Recovery of memory (6)

pei qiqi felt a burst of pain. then, she felt her mind was in a mess. all sorts of scenes crossed and flashed by like a movie being rewound.

" tang yu, i'm sorry. i can't love you. "

"PEI Qiqi, do you still feel pain?"

Who was the owner of those pained eyes?

she shook her head, her mind in a mess.

however, more uncontrollable images appeared in his mind, and the voice was particularly clear-

"qi qi, we are siblings."

" tang yu, i just want to be with you. i don't care if it's you or not. i only want you and the child, hanhan. "

"I beg you, please let her stay."

who was she begging?

was she the one who had such a painful past?

She wanted to hold her head, but she couldn't move at all!

It was so painful that he found it hard to breathe. It was not from his body, but his body.

Finally, it was a close-up of her eyes. She stepped back and he wanted to hold her back.

"Qi Qi! Don't go, Yingluo!"