The promised happiness (5)

She was willing to put on an act, and he was willing to cooperate. He reached out and stroked her long hair, his voice a little hoarse."Little Xin Xin might be more enthusiastic later."

She buried herself in his arms and laughed, calling him brother.

This little fool, she's so good at pretending!

When he was her older brother, she hated him so much. How could she be so obedient now?

Tang Yu patted the little guy in his arms and smiled.

when she arrived at the rose garden, she got out of the car and a fat little thing was wrapped around her leg.

PEI Qiqi was very careful. Her heart was filled with different emotions.

She forgot about it before. She only knew that little Xinxin was her child. But now, things were different. She remembered how hard it was for her to get this child. She remembered how hard it was for her to make this decision on the day she married Tang Yu.