She was instinctively afraid of him (part six)

on the other side, ye liangqiu was carrying her small backpack and getting ready to leave work.

KING entertainment's interns didn't have a high salary of 3500 yuan, but if they were selected to be dancers or something, they would receive an allowance of 200 to 300 yuan each time. in a month, they would probably earn 5000 to 6000 yuan.

This income was very precious to ye Liangqiu.

Her father was a professor and had been incorruptible all his life. He only left the three of them and an old 80 square meter apartment.

if it wasn't for ye jin's accident, she wouldn't have dropped out of school and joined KING entertainment.

thinking of ye jin, ye liangqiu gripped her phone tightly.

Ye Zhi's life and death would be decided by this phone.

She went to the changing room to change her clothes. When she was about to leave, she ran into mo Xiaoqi and her manager, who had just come out of the changing room opposite.