provoking him once more (1)

Ye Liangqiu's tears fell silently. The surroundings were silent, and no one dared to step forward.

in this silence, ye liangqiu let out a shrill cry,"ye wanwan."

However, he could no longer stand up and call her sister.

people started to pull her back and comfort her.

But how could she restrain her grief? her mother had gone crazy and ye Xiao was dead.

Her only hope was ye Rou. Ye Rou would never be able to come back to life. Even if they didn't have a home, ye Rou wouldn't be able to find a place to go home even if she wanted to.

Ye Liangqiu experienced the most sorrowful day of his life.

She didn't know how she sent Ye Jin away, but someone kept pulling her along in a daze.

When he went to the school to settle ye Rou's funeral, the school gave a vague explanation, saying that it was due to ye Rou's personal feelings and had nothing to do with the school.