She looks good in a shirt (part one)

They looked at each other for a long time before he asked softly, " "Is there any more porridge?"

"Oh," she replied, then shook her head and picked up the food in her hands."but we have lunch."

Qin Anlan pretended to acknowledge her nonchalantly and walked out of the small dining room. then you can do it! i'll wait outside."

Her cooking skills were absolutely amazing. Perhaps it was because he was used to big meals, so the plain vegetables and porridge were especially comfortable to eat.

Ye Liangqiu quietly entered the kitchen and quickly prepared three dishes and a soup. When she came over to ask him to eat, she was worried that he would not be able to eat. However, Qin Anlan had only eaten two bowls of rice and finished all the dishes she had prepared.

ye liangqiu quietly ate while looking at his bowl-

wasn't he full?

just as she was looking at him, he was also looking at her because she was wearing his clothes.