She had just left, and he was already missing her (part one)

Ye Liangqiu's gaze fell on Qin Anlan's face.

She was still smiling and crying.

Qin Anlan returned her smile and gave her an encouraging look.

Director Zhang also smiled. it's very good, especially good.

qin anlan's gaze was still on ye liangqiu. after a while, he turned to director zhang and said, " "If you praise her like that, she's going to fly into the sky."

Director Zhang heaved a long sigh of relief when he was finally done with the shoot. He said that the crew wanted to have dinner together that night.

qin anlan muttered to himself for a moment and declined in a calm tone. " i'm not eating. i'll treat director zhang again the next time i return to B city. "

since he was so polite, how could director zhang not give him face? so, it was settled.