She had just left, and he already missed her (6)

Even though he had seen it before, he was still a little shocked to see it in such an unexpected situation.

Ye Liangqiu was also startled. She turned to look at him, her expression somewhat dumbfounded.

Like a gentleman, Qin Anlan strolled back to the bedroom and drew the curtains of the French windows. He took a deep breath.

his mind was filled with the scene just now.

it was extremely beautiful.

And he also had a desire that he shouldn't have.

it wasn't a good thing to pay too much attention to an item.

he looked at the dark night outside and wanted to smoke again, but he held back in the end.

When ye Liangqiu came out, he was still standing there. When he heard her footsteps, he turned to look at her. "you can go back now."

ye liangqiu was taken aback, but she wasn't an insensible person, so she nodded in acknowledgment.