ye mu yun (2)

It was time to return to the entertainment industry. Even if she didn't do it for herself, she wanted to do it for mu Yun to have a better life.

Every time mu Yun changed her blood, it would cost a lot of money. She had to go back.

wang caiyun's mouth moved for a long time before she let out a weak voice,"You must hate me, right?"

That's why he didn't come back to see Yingying in four years.

in the past few years, wang caiyun's mind had become much clearer, but her body was much worse.

Most of the time, she could only stay in the battle Room and look at the sky outside through the window. She was thinking about her ye Rou and her daughter.

She was just wondering why cool autumn had not come again.

No matter how this child treated her, he would never abandon her. But it had been four years, and she had waited until she was about to die, only to see ye Liangqiu return to see her off.

She even brought a child.