my moral integrity has fallen (1)

That night, ye Liangqiu asked aunt Zhang to go to his apartment, but she did not get it because Qin Anlan said that ye Liangqiu had to come and get it herself.

aunt zhang was from city H. when she got back, she said to ye liangqiu, " "That young man is really handsome, but he's too cold. I think he likes miss ye."

ye liangqiu saw that there was nothing in her hands and knew that aunt zhang had not received it, so she forced a smile and did not say anything.

she didn't want the things anymore.

not long after she returned to KING entertainment, sister ying helped her to take on two shows, a commercial film and a literary film like 'gentle breeze'. however, the two shows were shot almost at the same time, so it was very hard.

When ye Liangqiu left, she was still worried about mu Yun. Aunt Zhang said that there would be no problem in leaving mu Yun in her care, so she was willing to leave.