come on, let's hurt each other!

kim was shaking on the other end of the phone.

it was a small matter for miss ye's work to be scheduled for a year later. the penalty for breach of contract was sky-high and could not be covered by a billion yuan. KING entertainment had to pay for all of this.

to put it more clearly, it was boss qin who was paying for the meal.

Both Kie's heart and soul were trembling. Ye Liangqiu was an A-list celebrity in the entertainment industry and had 78 million fans in Weibo. Why did boss Qin have to do this?

why would he be angry with a little girl and money?

Qin Anlan hung up the phone forcefully. At the same time, King Entertainment's building shook three times.

Ye Liangqiu smiled and lowered her eyes. President Qin, it's going to be a long time.

She left just like that.

She opened the door and left without looking back. There was no trace of nostalgia, nor did she plead with him.