He still chooses ye Liangqiu (3)

Qin Anlan raised his hand and took out a pair of killer pliers. my child with miss ye is already seven years old, so we will get married as soon as possible.

the child was seven years old!

the reporters were going crazy!

all these years, they had been paparazzi for nothing.

the male lead was KING entertainment's leader, and the female lead was KING entertainment's queen. these two actually had a child and they hid it so well!

it was just that the poor little princess of asia had been cannon fodder for so many years.

After Qin Anlan finished speaking, ye Liangqiu stepped on his foot. She wanted to say something and deny it, but Qin Anlan bent down and kissed her.

this time, it was a deep french kiss.

he cupped her face in his palm, his lips glued to hers. he crushed the words she wanted to say and swallowed them.

This kiss was very hot.| It was hot. At first, it was pleasing to the eye, but later, the female reporter was too embarrassed to look at it.