No one is allowed to touch her (part two)

Mr. SU's expression was a little complicated. He looked at his wife for a long time before he asked, " "you hit him?"

Mrs. Su nodded. yes, I did! is there a problem?"

su shicheng's eyes rapidly narrowed, and after a long time, he softly said,"why did you hit her?"

" you can beat up this kind of seductress whenever you want. besides, she's bullying our cheng cheng. " Mrs. Su said casually. She didn't think it was a big deal to hit someone who had nothing to do with her. oh, by the way, she's really useless. She almost had a miscarriage after one hit.

su shicheng's veins bulged on his forehead as he glared at his wife. " it's just a small life. are you going to be so indifferent? "

he could not accept that she had almost killed his own daughter!

Mrs. Su glanced at him and thought that he was crazy.

that's right, mom, " su Cheng said softly. if she really miscarried, it'd be bad for both lives.