this is only the beginning (part one)

" luckily, it's sheng yuan hospital. otherwise, the hospital's entrance would have been stomped flat by these reporters. " that's how famous people are. A small incident will be magnified countless times. There's no privacy at all.

ye liangqiu looked into the mirror and said in a calm voice, " excuse me, do you think this is a normal traffic accident? "

" the results aren't out yet, " said KIME, " but the driver is being detained at the police station. we'll have a conclusion soon. "

Ye Liangqiu's gaze fell on his face for a long time. His throat rolled, as if he was having a difficult time.

Kie forced a smile. let's see President Qin first. He's happy but worried when he heard that you're coming.

Then, he added, " "i've never seen president qin care about someone so much."

Ye Liangqiu pursed her lips and didn't reply.