is this what you want?(3)

She looked at him and smiled gently,"I'm a human!" Not a pet! qin anlan, do you really think i love you? Yes, I loved you, but you trampled my love under your feet. I came back to you again for mu Yun."

he glared at her.

Her face was pale, but she still insisted on continuing. I don't want to be on edge anymore.

"Qin Anlan, I don't believe that you'll be loyal forever," she said with a cold smile.

"so, you'd rather control your own fate?" he lowered his eyes and smiled. when he looked up again, his eyes were cold. did mu yun not want it either? Do you want mu Yun to be without a mother? do you want this child to be without a father?"

She choked. this is the best result.

His fingers pinched her chin and he looked at her with a cold gaze."i really want to see if your heart is made of iron."

His strength almost crushed her chin, but she still stood straight and did not retreat.

their eyes met, and the pain slowly turned into anger.