you're the one who forced me (2)

with tears streaming down her face, mrs. su shook her head desperately. " no, shicheng. no, i didn't mean it that way. "

"Then what do you mean by that?" "Just because su Cheng knows how to please you?" su Shicheng's voice was hoarse.

Tears fell like rain from Mrs. SU's eyes, and her face and body were in a sorry state.

su shicheng coldly laughed, " what do you know? you're just a naive young miss! i've been self-centered my entire life, when have you ever understood me?"

Mrs. Su closed her eyes. su Shicheng, do you think I don't know what you've done? you like that old woman, hongke, and you've broken up their family in such a despicable way. do you think i don't know that after so many years?"

His love affair a few years ago was also because that young girl looked very much like Mrs. Qin. She had dealt with it silently. He also knew about it, but he didn't point it out.

But that time, he had not touched her for half a year.