the person i truly loved (2)

KIME walked across the aisle and saw sister ying training the new students.

he stood at the door for a long time, silently watching, and then casually took a cigarette to smoke.

sister ying turned around and looked at him.

She thought for a moment and walked over. She leaned against the wall with him and looked at him."Why are you free to come? Why did I let you have that sweet fruit? aren't you afraid that other women will snatch it away?"

since when did sister Ying start to joke like this? "  

"don't give me that." there was a smile in sister ying's eyes that could see through people's hearts. she took out a cigarette from his pocket and put it between her lips. KIME immediately lit it for her.

in KIMG's heart, sister ying was not only his goddess but also his senior in the company. he would respect her for the rest of his life.