Birthday present (part three)

" i'm a pervert. i'm scary. i've been lusting after your body. i shamelessly yearn for hanhan every day, " she cried and said. she had nothing to live for.

tang yu's perverted heart was finally satisfied and he let go of her.

PEI Qiqi cried and lay in his arms. She secretly wiped her tears and snot on his chest, secretly taking revenge.

of course, tang yu knew, but he just let her be.

He was happy that she was so childish, which meant that she could really rely on him.

she was extremely tired, lying in his arms, biting and sucking. although he was happy, he couldn't help but feel a little aroused, but he didn't dare to touch her anymore.

He reached out and stroked her long hair, feeling an indescribable satisfaction in his heart ...

a life with a wife and a daughter was already perfect. was it that important to have another child?

xiao xinxin was already cute enough. he could not bear to let qiqi suffer again. let nature take its course!