let's get married, mr. qin (4)

Qin Anlan was always drunk. He cupped her face and kissed her slitheringly. His voice was a little muffled as he said, " silly cool Qiu Qianqian.

in this world, there were no 'if's. if there were really' if's, it was everyone's own choice.

he kissed her and placed her jade-like face on his chest.

Suddenly, he was filled with pride again. He felt that in such a quiet night, just hugging her would be enough. Nothing else was important.

he reached out to stroke her back, then lowered his head and whispered into her ear, " now i can be a human.| my feelings. what about you, liangqiu?"

Her face was pressed against his chest, and there was an indescribable softness. She rubbed it again and hummed in agreement.

Qin Anlan's blood immediately heated up. He wanted to kiss her, kiss her, and hold her face. After kissing her for a while, he was afraid that he could not control himself, so he put her down.