cross-cupped wine (1)

She reached out to flip the calendar and sighed. it's Christmas, Yingluo. It's Christmas Eve tonight.

It was almost the new year again. Yingluo was most afraid of the new year now.

If Momo wasn't by her side, it might have been even more difficult for her to endure. However, with Momo by her side, she felt uneasy.

Linda also agreed. yeah, I'm so busy at the end of the year. I'm busy with all kinds of parties, New Year's Eve, and even the last teeth.

after that, linda's spirits were lifted. " in the second half of the year, the situation at asia vision has reversed so much. we should celebrate. "

ye liangqiu smiled. " invite xia mian over for new year's. you can give her an appearance fee as you see fit. "

linda nodded, " i know! "

"if it's suitable, then please. if it's not suitable, don't force yourself." ye liangqiu added.

linda didn't understand, but ye liangqiu didn't say anything.