come home with me on christmas eve (4)

"She's drooling," ye liangqiu gasped in disbelief. she weighed the food in her hand and asked, " what did you give her? " He had raised a body of meat.

qin anlan looked at her a little unhappily, then pursed his lips. " she can only eat some supplementary food. she can't eat these. "

with that said, he walked over, picked up little mumu with one hand, and kissed her. " baby, are you hungry? "

his eyes were full of adoration, and even when he was the best to ye liangqiu, he hadn't been so intense.

There was nothing wrong with the saying that a daughter was her father's little eye in her previous life.

ye liangqiu's eyes were a little hot. right now, she felt like little mumu, who could only look at this "golden cake" of his, but could not eat it.

Qin Anlan directed ye Liangqiu. turn off the fire. You can put the food on the plate. You can eat first.

after that, she asked a very stupid question, " "how about you?"