Can you explain?(4)

however, xia mian didn't think that way. she hated ye muyun. this child's personality was the same as ye liangqiu's. on top of that, ye liangqiu was the one who brought him up. no matter how good she was to him, she couldn't raise him well. he was an ungrateful wolf.

xia mian was about to explode when su xiu stopped her. his voice was a little stern. " xiao xia, why are you being so calculative with the child? "

Su Xiu was much more insightful than Xia Mian. Right now, Xia Mian was nothing. If she really dared to argue with mu Yun, the result would be terrible. She probably wouldn't be able to survive in King Entertainment. That wasn't something su Xiu wanted to see.

after hearing her words, xia mian finally calmed down. she pursed her lips and said in a small voice,"I know."

then, she put on a gentle look and said in an amiable voice, " muyun, you misunderstood. auntie is trying to help you. "