ye liangqiu, you're detestable!(3)

&Nbsp; ye Liangqiu said to Mrs RAN in a serious tone, I will protect him until we return home safely.

&Nbsp; the phone hung up and RAN smiled. I'll leave it to you, Liangqiu.

she stood up. " stop it! "

&Nbsp; the night wind blew her long hair and wrapped it around the two of them. LAN gentlemanly tied it up for her, and they took a taxi to the night bar. As expected, they were both drunk, but LAN was protecting ye Liangqiu.

  but in the second half of the night, for some reason, someone recognized RAN in the darkness. the scene became chaotic, with screams and cries as the crowd quickly rushed over.

"Run!" Although he had drunk a little too much, he still knew the consequences.

ye liangqiu pulled RAN and ran through the streets of B city, chasing after a group of crazy fans.