Sweet as honey (1)

"what are you doing here?" She rested her face on his shoulder and did not dare to move. She was afraid that if she moved and looked at him, all of this would be an illusion, and he would disappear.

There was a cool feeling on his shoulder, but it soon became warm again.

she buried her face in his and wrapped her arms around his neck, refusing to let go.

He patted her back and asked in a hoarse voice, " how did you know I was here to look for you? "

ye liangqiu suddenly let go of him, took a step back, and stood in the middle of the night, staring at him.

under the streetlights, her skin was almost transparent, and her facial features looked fresh.

"isn't it?" she smiled faintly, and the light that glided through her eyes seemed to contain the stars of the entire universe.

She turned around as if she was about to leave, but her hand was caught by him. Then, he hugged her from behind. The hug through the thick clothes was exceptionally warm.