miscarriage and period (1)

the car drove steadily. qin anlan held ye liangqiu in one hand and took out his phone with the other.

ye liangqiu's face was buried in his chest. through the fabric of his shirt, she could feel his heartbeat. it was beating very, very fast.

her fingers slowly tightened around him.

He opened his eyes, then closed them again and sighed. Anlan, I don't want to go to the hospital.

"You're awake?" His voice was still hoarse. With one hand holding her, he held the phone in the other hand and answered the call.

He hung up after a few words with the person on the other end. She buried her face in her waist and said in a very low voice, " Anlan, I didn't have a miscarriage.

"I know," he raised his head slightly and clenched his jaw. " i won't care about you anymore after we go to the hospital. "

as he spoke, he seemed to be explaining, convincing her, and even more convincing himself."After all, it was all because of me."