Embrace (2)

ye liangqiu nodded. as he turned around, a faint smile appeared on his face-

he said one thing but meant another!

it was clearly not like this.

But she didn't refute him. She closed the fridge, walked behind him, and leaned over."Where's the milk?"

he was preparing the ingredients. when he heard her, he turned to look at her, then opened the cabinet above. " above. "

ye liangqiu made a sound of acknowledgment and walked over to take it.

he was lying on his side, so after she walked over, he turned around.

this was equivalent to him trapping her between himself and the kitchen counter.

In just an instant, her body froze, but she did not dare to move sideways.

Her nose was filled with his pleasant masculine scent, and her back was also touching his body, which was so warm that it was almost scalding.

after a pause, she tiptoed to get the milk powder from the cabinet. when her fingers touched it, he caught her waist in a daze.