His suppression (2)

Kime nodded and got out of the car.

Ye Liangqiu sat in the car, but didn't get out immediately. Instead, she went to the front cabinet and took out a magazine.

he flipped through it. the first episode was about xia mian and qin anlan's scandal. in front of a hotel room in hong kong, xia mian and qin anlan were standing side by side. although they didn't do anything too outrageous, a man and a woman standing in front of a hotel room at midnight was enough to make people think of them.

Ye Liangqiu looked at it for a long time, then put it down and started the car.

Qin Anlan only returned on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year with Xia Mian accompanying him. As soon as they got off the private plane, they were blocked by reporters.

qin anlan didn't use the same passage as xia mian. he left directly through the vip passage.