are you here to laugh at me?(1)

Her alcohol tolerance wasn't good at first, but she got better after practicing it. However, no matter how good her stomach was, drinking like this would cause problems sooner or later.

that night, she was having a dinner with the biggest partner of asia tv. she was not feeling well at first, but she forced herself to come.

linda was quite indignant. if she went over, ceo ye would not need to beg these people.

now, all of them were shrewd and evil. they sponsored the title and even asked boss ye to endorse their products.

moreover, the other party was a bath brand under p & g. shooting this kind of advertisement meant taking off his clothes. as for how much he would take off his clothes, it would depend on the effect of the shooting.

"this is simply looting a burning house." linda and ye liangqiu walked out of the room together. she held ye liangqiu and said angrily, " president ye, why did you agree to his request? "