The rupture you wanted (1)

On the other side, Qin Anlan dragged ye Liangqiu to a place where no one was.

With a bang, she was thrown against the car door, and her back hurt.

Then, he leaned over and pinched her chin with his cold and hard fingers. tell me, what happened? "

Ye Liangqiu looked straight at him. su Shicheng sent this to you? "

He narrowed his eyes. ye Liangqiu!

His tone was gloomy, as if a storm was brewing.

she leaned her head on the back of the car and smiled. " what do you want me to say? are you going to say that i was forced?"

she looked at him, and her tone was a little indifferent. " an lan, it was indeed forced at the beginning. after that, it was zhenzhen. "

he panted heavily and stared at her. " ye liangqiu, you'd better think carefully before you say anything. "

He reached out his hand and smashed the window behind her. Because it was made of reinforced glass, there was only a loud thud. Then, warm blood spurted on the side of her face.