He must take care of her (part four)

su shicheng watched with her. " liangqiu, shoot. if you shoot, i'll blow qin pei up into a million pieces. i think it can even be a special show for qin anlan's engagement. "

ye liangqiu's gaze fell on qin pei.

She had seen Qin PEI three times, and there was blood every time.

For the first time, an Lan's mother had left.

the second time, a 'xing was crippled.

Who was it this time?

his gaze slowly returned to su shicheng's face, his voice calm,"the reason why you're telling me so much is because you don't want to fight to the death with me, right?"

She laughed softly,"you're thinking about everything that shouldn't be there!" "an lan's mother, KING entertainment, but you don't know that i've already given away your life's work."

su shicheng's eyes narrowed. " what did you say? "