jealous (3)

However, she was not sure why he did not take her tonight.

His eyes were clearly moving in a daze.

she washed her body clean and applied medicine on the finger marks. the children wanted to eat it, and she felt a little embarrassed to keep it for herself.

After she was done, she returned to her bedroom. As she lay down and closed her eyes, she recalled the scene in the dark.

she had insomnia. this was the first time she felt that qin anlan was so despicable!

du yuesheng arrived at noon. kie was the one who picked her up. ye liangqiu had made a reservation at a restaurant and had a meal with du yuesheng.

after lunch, kie left the restaurant, leaving the two of them in the private room.

Du Yuesheng sat on the sofa and watched ye Liangqiu pour tea indifferently.

In front of him, she was very submissive, as if she was treating him like a benefactor.

to be honest, he really liked it.