sleeping with the wrong person (2)

linda helped du yuesheng to lie on the sofa and went to pour him a glass of water.

there was a glass of water on the table. she took a sip and gave it to du yuesheng without thinking too much.

" mr. dean, how is it? " she carefully fed him a few mouthfuls.

Linda took care of him very carefully, mainly because Mr. Du might be her boss in the future!

She saw the situation clearly today. If President Qin didn't come back, Mr. Du would most likely marry President ye!

after that, she would have to do things according to mr. du's mood. linda was not stupid. she was now chairman ye's confidant and was treated well in all aspects. if she wanted to survive, she had to look at the situation.

It was rare for Du Yuesheng to get drunk. At this moment, she was bent in a woman's embrace and could only feel a burst of fragrance.

it had been a long time since he felt this way.

He didn't control his private life too much. After all, he was single.