aren't you afraid?(3)

ye liangqiu smiled, her fingers trembling as she touched his face. she said, " anlan, i'm not as calm as you think i am. i also care about your injuries, but what is more important than your life? "

"I'm afraid too!" she gave a faint smile. " i'm lying if i say i'm not afraid! "

The palm covered his face like a spring breeze, soothing his soul.

"I'm afraid because I care what you think! actually, it's good to be ugly, because no woman will come to fight with you if you're ugly." There were obvious tears in her eyes, but the smile she forced out looked uglier than crying.

He looked at her with a burning gaze. it's not that no one will fight for it! Qiqi said that my face has a special personality now."

her hand paused, " an lan, tang yu raised pei qiqi into a three-year-old child. how could you believe her words?! "

Could his face be sold for money?

Qin Anlan was not happy. my Secretary thinks that I'm charming too.