he wanted to make her happy (part three)

After hearing her words, Qin Anlan glared at her as if he could not do anything to her.

She looked at him and smiled lightly. She pressed her face into his arms and smiled gloatingly. an LAN, have you ever regretted it? "

He hugged her and asked, " are you talking about King Entertainment or my face? "

"The love for me." she asked shamelessly.

Qin Anlan chuckled and reached out to pinch her face. why would I regret it? the thing I regret the least in my life is loving you.

She raised her head, her entire being soft."Really?"

Qin Anlan sat down and bent one of his knees so that she was half-lying in his arms.

she raised her head, her long and beautiful fingers landing on his mask. she said softly, " "An LAN, can you take off your mask?"

He lowered his head and his dark eyes were stained with a layer of darkness. He looked at her deeply and his voice trembled slightly. don't you think it's ugly? "