doting on her because i love her (4)

qin anlan knew her and the children's schedule. usually, at this time, she would feed the children first, then eat by herself and take an afternoon nap. he knew it all.

she walked to the second floor and looked at the passage next door. there was a door closed and usually couldn't be opened, so it had to be locked.

He took the key and held it in his hand. He didn't eat and stayed up until one in the afternoon.

The children should be asleep, and she should be by their side.

He held the key and walked to the door in the corridor. He opened the door carefully, afraid that he would wake up the children from their afternoon nap.

just as he had expected, momo, mumu, an, an, and lan lan were all sleeping soundly. he was so envious of them.

ye liangqiu closed her eyes and felt a little drowsy. at this moment, the soft sound of footsteps woke her up.

when she opened her eyes, she saw qin anlan standing by the bed and looking at her with a burning gaze.