Pregnant with an Old Man's Child (1)

Du Yuesheng walked into the kitchen, and Linda was secretly picking up a sour plum tomato and eating it.

Recently, she seemed to like eating sour things very much. In the past, she used to see sour things, but now she felt that eating them was very satisfying.

However, she was always a guest at Chairman ye's house, so she had to stop after eating two. Later, she planned to destroy them all at the dining table.

The servants in the kitchen were busy. It was early winter, so they had still steamed mitten crabs. The meat was so full that it made people drool.

After traveling for a month, Linda had long missed the big fish and meat, and she drooled silently.

"you seem to have a good appetite." Du Yuesheng leaned against the kitchen door, lit a cigarette, and slowly smoked.

Linda was shocked, she turned around and said with a smile, "no matter how good my appetite is, it's not as good as mr. du's!"

She mouthed the words,"man and woman, one for one!"