Pregnant with an Old Man's Child (3)

since she had said so, du yuesheng could not refuse. furthermore, he had slept with a young lady before. it was only natural for him to accompany her every time he was sent to the hospital.

in the end, it was du yuesheng who carried linda into the car. when ye liangqiu closed the door, she said worriedly, " "if there's anything, call me."

Du Yuesheng fastened her seat belt slowly and smiled, " "what can happen? at most, it's just acute enteritis or something. he's just a glutton."

ye liangqiu also smiled. why did she feel that du yuesheng's words had a hint of pampering?

it was probably because he was more than ten years older than linda and had slept with her before, so he felt the pain unconsciously.

She pursed her lips and didn't say anything. She closed the door and told him to drive slower.

after the car left, ye liangqiu turned to look at qin anlan and sighed. " "do you believe it? yuesheng has taken it to heart."