the child is not yours (2)

She looked up again and smiled sweetly at him. Mr. Du, thank you so much.

du yuesheng was angry. as for why he was angry, he couldn't really explain it.

actually, he should be happy that the child was not his.

But he just couldn't feel happy.

At this moment, the nurses and doctors came over. After consoling them cordially, they did a check.

the male doctor was young and had a gentle attitude. miss ning, the child's condition is not bad.

"thank you," linda's expression relaxed.

"stay in the hospital for three days for observation. if there's nothing else, you can go home and rest." the male doctor patted her shoulder. " pay attention to your emotions. you have to be happy physically and mentally in order to give birth to a healthy baby. "

Linda smiled, " I will be careful.

The doctor and nurse left, and the door closed.

du yuesheng was also there the whole time. he had endured the way the doctors and nurses looked at him as if he was a beast.