bastard, does it hurt?(2)

he paused for a moment. " as for this child, i'll transfer five percent of the company's shares to him after he's born. he'll live a life without worry. "

Linda's face became paler and paler as she listened.

She looked at him as if she didn't know him and was listening to a stranger's words.

"Very generous conditions." a sneer appeared on her face. then, she stretched out her finger and poked his heart. " du yuesheng, this is not the first time you've said this to a woman, right? you're very familiar with it. "

Du Yuesheng narrowed her eyes and said unhappily, " "This is the first time. No woman has ever gotten pregnant for me before."

"Is it because no one is so stupid, or is it because Mr. DU's measures are watertight?" Linda sneered, " Mr. Du must be in a difficult situation now, right? afraid of his fiancée finding out? Hmm?"

"you're afraid that i'll get in the way of your family, aren't you?" she pressed on.