divorce after marriage (part two)

the internal line on her desk rang. it was her secretary.

lin shimin picked up the call. the secretary's voice was sweet. " president lin, mr. du's secretary called to confirm the time mr. du will pick you up for dinner. "

the secretary confirmed again!

he didn't even give her this thought!

he, on the other hand, had the time to go to b city to see that woman. she found him an eyesore when he was so submissive.

Lin Shimin had always been known for her good upbringing. She was the same kind of person as Du Yuesheng. At this time, she also lost her temper. She threw the internal phone on the ground and smashed it.

the secretary on the other end of the line heard a loud bang and was a little stunned. was this the gentle president lin?

lin shimin stood there for a long time and bit her lip. then, she picked up her phone and called her secretary."Tell Mr. DU's Secretary to follow the original time."