a shameless man (1)

Linda was dumbfounded as she stared at this shameless man in front of her.

"stunned? ecstatic?" Du Yuesheng continued to speak shamelessly. Then, her large palm took advantage of her.

linda was both embarrassed and angry. she tried hard to break free, but she couldn't. instead, as she struggled, their bodies got closer and closer.

She really had no choice but to lower her head and take a bite on his neck. Her words were muffled."You, you bastard, let me go!"

"Of course I won't let go of the things that bastard got his hands on." Du Yuesheng lowered her head and looked at the little girl in her arms.

After not seeing her for almost a year, her skin had become much more tender after giving birth. She used to be so thin that she didn't have much meat, but now she was obviously a lot plumper.

Du Yuesheng's breathing became a little heavy as she hugged him like this. She rubbed and kissed him, missing him terribly.