Ye Muyun VS little Xin (7)

ye muyun let out a long sigh. he wanted to smoke a cigarette but held it in.

When he returned to her bedroom, she was still in there. He leaned against the headboard and closed his eyes to rest. He was also thinking about how to teach Xuanji later!

When Tang Xue 'er came out, it was already half an hour later.

she spent a long time in the bathroom because she heard the door open.

at this time, the only person who would enter her room was ye mu yun.

She had come out barefooted and was only wearing a pink rabbit pajamas that reached her knees, revealing a small section of her fair skin.| her tender and slender legs were sleeveless, so they looked quite cool.

when she saw the person lying on the bed, she wanted to change into thick pajamas.

however, she had only taken a step when ye mu yun's voice came over,"come here!"

tang xue 'er was stunned.