the stupid horse that charged out (1)

ye muyun quietly finished his cigarette and got out of the car with his phone.

After all, he was still young. Unless it was a necessary occasion, he would usually not dress too formally.

dark grey long pants with a rice-colored sweater. it was simple, but it looked crazy in it.

When he stepped out of the car, his pair of long,| His legs were particularly eye-catching, and the little girls who came and went almost screamed.

ye muyun walked straight to the office building and quickly settled the little girl's matter.

of course, she had also paid a huge price to make her test results go from all failures to full A's.

The homeroom teacher dealt with the matter urgently. Hence, when the scores were announced, Tang Xue 'er was not surprised.

ever since she was in her first year of high school, this was how she had made her way to her current position.

the most exaggerated one was when she fell asleep during an exam and got a zero.