You have to be good (3)

Xue 'er was a little nervous and answered the phone.

"I'm going to board the plane in a while, be good." Ye mu Yun's voice was light and faint, with a trace of unnoticeable lingering.

she hummed in agreement.

He didn't say anything else. She could hear his light breathing. For some reason, her face blushed and she hung up the phone.

Ye Muyun stared at his phone and raised his eyebrows at Gu ze. she dared to hang up on me.

Gu ze smiled. it's President ye who has spoiled her.

Probably because Gu ze's words pleased ye Muyun, he didn't argue with the little girl and ordered the plane to take off.

When the plane took off, the young girl from Sheng Yuan hospital was rolling around on the bed happily.