An ambitious little girl (3)

the call was from ye mu yun. his voice was a little hoarse. " xue 'er, where are you? "

Obviously, he had called this number when he woke up early in the morning in the United States.

Xue 'er bit the tip of her pen and said softly after a while, " "are you in school?"

On the other side, ye mu Yun raised his hand and looked at his watch. He narrowed his eyes."Who else is there?"

Xue 'er looked around. there are a lot of people, about seven or eight!

ye muyun's voice became even more hoarse. " male or female? "

Xue 'er's voice was soft like cotton candy. I'm not as handsome as you.

Her words pleased Mr. Ye Muyun. He smiled and got out of bed with his phone in hand. His slender body went straight to the bathroom. He used one hand to relieve himself and the other hand held the phone to talk to her.

the voice from the other side made xue 'er frown. after a while, she asked softly, " "Brother, what are you doing?"