big brother, let me go!(3)

If he wanted to explain, she could explain to him. let's all go for lunch together. I rode on his bicycle. That's all.

However, her explanation was of no use.

Ye mu Yun looked at her. I've already decided. He didn't want to talk about her relationship with Zhou chongguang.

that zhou chongguang liked her, but she didn't know how to avoid him and sat on his bicycle instead.

In her heart, she thought that this was nothing, right?

but for ye mu yun, he couldn't.

it was just that he was not willing to say too many hurtful words to her. he chose not to say it, and instead did it-in the future, she would never have the chance to interact with zhou chongguang again!

"I will arrange for Gu ze's sister, Gu Mei, to be in the same Department and class as you."

after he finished speaking, xue 'er was shocked.

this was blatant surveillance. she was no different from a prisoner.