she still cares about him all along (2)

she did not agree with gu ze's opinion. " brother, i can't take it if a man treats me like this. "

Gu ze bent his well-defined fingers and knocked his sister's head. He smiled. that's why they are suitable.

with ye muyun's personality, he didn't need a capable wife. what he wanted was a gentle and small person who could make him happy. xue 'er was the most suitable for him.

The friction now was only because they were too young, and they had not found a way to get along.

Perhaps Gu Mei was right. Boss ye's love was too stubborn.

As the two siblings were talking, ye Muyun walked out with a faint look of exhaustion on his face. He sat on the small sofa and looked at Gu ze. bring the documents over.

Gu ze hesitated for a moment. Chairman ye, do you want to rest for a while? "

"I don't need to." Ye Muyun's face was expressionless as he sat down to discuss business with Gu ze.