scared, huh?(1)

ye muyun was a person with great self-control. he only slept for six hours and woke up the next morning.

he didn't get out of bed immediately, but just looked at the piglet sleeping soundly in his arms ...

She was afraid of the cold, so she curled up in his arms and curled up into a small ball.

ye muyun half-leaned against the head of the bed and didn't do anything. he just looked at her beautiful face. it wasn't that he didn't want to, but he just wanted her to sleep a little longer. he always felt that children should sleep more when they were growing up.

He looked at her like this until 7:30 in the morning when Xue 'er woke up. When she opened her eyes, she saw the man's naked body in a bathrobe.

xue 'er was a little dazed and buried herself in his arms again. she took in a deep breath of yang qi before asking softly, " "you're not getting up?"