Thoroughly infuriating him (3)

The black Porsche slowly stopped. Ye Muyun got out of the car, closed the door, and walked towards the lawn.

He saw a tall and thin figure standing far away, but ye mu Yun acted like she didn't see him and walked straight towards Gu Mei and Xue 'er.

xue 'er was sitting in the wheelchair (with good legs), looking at the little butterflies flying around in the flowers, which was very cute.

ye muyun naturally walked over and leaned over to kiss her little mouth.

although this kiss was sudden and gu mei was still around, she had only resisted for a moment before he deepened the kiss. his palm gently pinched her small chin and forced her to welcome him.

Xue 'er had always been afraid of his kisses, but Yingluo shamelessly liked them. As they kissed, she couldn't help but wrap her little hands around his neck and press her body against him so that he could kiss her deeper.