a woman's position is unstable if she's not ruthless (1)

on the other end, gu mei was silent for a long time before she spoke. her voice sounded as if she had lost all hope. "I know. xue 'er, i can understand."

Xue 'er sighed. Gu Mei, can you come back? " I'll try my best to think of a way."

" xue 'er, you don't know how much people who have been in the dark would want to have the light when they see it. " gu mei laughed softly. her laugh was weak. " this matter is not your fault. i'm the one who's making things difficult for you! "

Xue 'er's small lips pursed. She was about to say something, but Gu Mei had already hung up.

a beeping sound came from the phone. she was in a daze and sad. she was sad for gu mei and zhou chongguang.

she dialed tang yu's number and the call was picked up quickly. it was tang yu's voice, " "what's wrong, xinxin?"

daddy, Yueyue. little Xinxin's voice was soft. can you ask brother not to buy Rongguang? "