a woman's position is unstable if she's not ruthless (5)

he had lied to gu mei. that information was actually useful. however, after she had stolen it, he had decided to void it.

The biggest taboo for a new product was to release it two days before you released it. The opponent had mastered the technology and released it before you. In order to avoid such a situation, ye Muyun had no choice but to give up on the research and development results that cost hundreds of millions. This was something Gu Mei had to bear.

When he got into the car, he gave Xue 'er a call.

he could not help but think that after she found out, she would definitely kick up a fuss with him. after all, she quite liked gu mei.

The car stopped at PEI garden. Auntie li had already come over and whispered, " "You didn't come down the whole day, are you unhappy again?"

"No, I didn't! Auntie Li, you're overthinking it. " ye muyun smiled. " i'll go up and take a look. you prepare dinner. "